social media
Trivium Knowledge Guild

The social media strategy I created for Trivium Knowledge Guild, an educational consultancy, was all about getting engagement by, well, educating. My work includes A/B testing, post design, script writing, analytics, advertisements, and thumbnails.

The Green Line called me in to give their socials a boost. In addition to helping this innovative news outlet define its brand voice, I did A/B testing, wrote captions and calls-to-action, created a long-term strategy, and built a socials style guide.

I made YouTube videos for a channel in the writing and essay help space. My work covered script writing, recording, editing, thumbnails, and analytics monitoring.

Here are some Instagram posts that show the range of content I can deal with. For more recent posts (including reels and highlights), click the chipmunk below.

I spent a year managing and promoting the U of T Karate Club’s Facebook page, as part of a multi-channel strategy that doubled enrollment in the succeeding year.